You are good to me and bring a smile to my face every time I get a messge from you telling me it's time we get together. I like to bring a smile to your face as well. I'm writing this post to inform you first, in case you happen to see it in one of my ads or here on this site, that I've changed my donation. I made this decision for a few reasons. One is obvious- inflation. Everything from rent to hotel rooms, to gas, every type of service and product that I use regularly,etc., etc- It's all gone up. Another reason, and to me the most significant, is that when I first got back into this industry, I had no reviews. I knew no one. I was flying blind. So I picked a number I felt I could start with and I've never changed it. It's past due. I hope you'll agree it just makes sense from a business standpoint. However, to show my gratitude and appreciation for those who take care of me, I am taking care of you on this. This does not affect our agreement. Things will stay the same. Just call me and schedule soon, please!
If you are visiting my website and you're someone who's been thinking of booking with me, I will be glad to honor the donation you were expecting through the month of August. Just be sure to tell me you saw this blog post.
Thank you so much! I hope to see you very soon!